Kuja yaoi gay hentai

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Just have fun and share the Yuri/Yaoi love. So if you think Cloud digs Zack and his huge buster sword and Aeris secretly wants nothing more to grab Tifa's delicate materias please join! We hope to unite all fans of the Yuri and Yaoi pairings of the Final Fantasy series.

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It was true, none of the group had allowed Hope to do any of his normal chores while they were setting up camp and cooking Since you guys won't let me do anything,' he scowled, half-teasing. 'It's got some great vocabulary in it- I was just working on my Pulsian. They weren't glaring, no, they wouldn't dare- but she could feel disapproval in their glances that weighed heavily on her shoulders, as if the air was laden with lithium instead of oxygen. Sazh and Snow were sitting across the fire, chatting quietly, with the occasional glance at their leader. The campfire provided just enough light for him to decipher the strange rune-like characters. It was as big as his torso- he only had one hand free to keep it from toppling sideways and flip the pages at the same time. Lightning felt her gut twist in guilt again as the boy smiled at her widely, balancing the giant yellowed tome on his lap. Aphrodisiac'It's the Novice's Guide to Herbology.

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